Finding personal balance and empowerment through reconnecting with the Nature
Our rewilding therapy is a merging of ‘Forest Bathing’ coming out of Japan and Earthing or Rewilding therapy popular n North America. None of these concepts are new! They are however more relevant in our lives now than ever before, as we search for balance in our over worked, stress filled lives. The ReWilding takes place as a guided walk in the woods, and a meditation; a slowing down and simply being in the presence of the moment and in the presence of trees, wild flora and nature. Each with their own healing presence. This simple nature based experience resets our bio clocks helping us enter into a deep state of relaxation. The health benefits are far reaching, the effects can last days even weeks after a session.
Personal One on One sessions available. Groups, and association gatherings.
Interested? Want to know more? Contact me for information of next scheduled ReWilding.
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