mbgg, Author at Backwoods Basics https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/author/mbgg/ Wildcraft Medicine, Healing Arts and Traditional Lore Sun, 23 Feb 2020 06:45:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Hedgewych-Face.jpg mbgg, Author at Backwoods Basics https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/author/mbgg/ 32 32 Backwoods Basics School of Wildcraft Medicine https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/backwoods-basics-in-the-cowichan-valley/ Thu, 24 Jan 2019 19:50:55 +0000 http://themes.kadencethemes.com/ascend-premium-2/?p=70 This is an active participatory outdoors class – real hiking boots and work gloves recommended! We will be learning the fundamentals of wild medicine collection, harvesting and preserving; beginning with plant identification and folkloric teachings.… Read More

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Important Notice: Changes made to Backwoods Basics 2020 season

Backwoods Basics is now available in the Cowichan Valley and on the Sunshine Coast.  Check details for classes and dates near you!
Due to the un-seasonally cold spring I have postponed the first day of class.  Please note: classes will begin in April, not March, and will be combining the “wild nutrition” and “Digestive Health” into one dynamic class.  Registration open for these classes until April 5th 2020.

Total Immersion Wildcrafting

In the Cowichan!
Dates and Times:  starting April 25th 10 am – 3 pm
and one weekend every 5 weeks, through to November.
April 25, May 30, July 11, August 8, September 12, October 10, November 21
Location: The Cowichan Valley;
I will be contacting each of you with details of class location at time of registration.
*note: This is an outdoors class, locations change as plant availability is the focus.

Description: includes wild walkabout, plant identification, folklore and practical usage, gathering and harvesting of wild medicine on location, sustainable harvesting techniques, ethical/spiritual sensitivity training.

This is an active participatory outdoors class – real hiking boots and work gloves recommended! We will be learning the fundamentals of wild medicine collection, harvesting and preserving; beginning with plant identification and folkloric teachings.  Learning the ancient plant medicine on location and through the season is integral to the folkloric teaching tradition.  Please check “Backwoods Basics through the Seasons” A year in Overview, for specific class details.

Just Medicine Making

In the Cowichan
Dates and Times:  starting April 26th 10 am – 3 pm
and one weekend every 5 weeks, through to November.
April 26, May 31, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11
Location: Cowichan Valley
exact location details will be given at time of registration.

Description: includes fundamentals of medicine making, each class explore a different form of herbal medicine using the wild plants collected from the ‘Total Immersion Wildcrafting class”. Physiology and anatomy with relevance to disease pathways and folk herbal treatment will be discussed. In this workshop style class, you will be taken through the fundamentals of the different forms of herbal medicine; teas, decoctions, elixirs, tonics and cleanses, tinctures, salves, poultices and clays. The whys, whens and hows of usage, there will be plenty of hands on medicine making and take home supplies to build your own herbal apothecary. Each month we will work with a different medicine.

Notice to students:   Everyone Welcome! Any interest level or experience acceptable. Recommended: the full weekend for best results!

$160 for full Immersion Experience

Ideally Total Immersion Wildcrafting and Just Medicine Making are designed to work together as a complete 7 month course. However the real world of time restraints and other obligations often mean you can’t always commit to the full course.  You are free to choose the  individual class that interests you, prices noted above reflect that.  Registration for an individual class should be in by 1st of the month of the class your registering for. Space is limited and not always available, so bear that in mind, and if there is a class your especially interested in, you may want to secure your place by registering early.

 Although drop ins are allowed, priority will be given to students that are signed up for the complete 7 month course.  When registering for the complete course, tuition can be paid in advance or on a structure monthly payment plan with excellent discounted rates. 
Registration Day is fast approaching!         April 5th
$895  paid in full on or before April 5th.  or on payment plan $250 non-refundable / deductible registration deposit with 6 equal payment of $107. monthly over duration of course.
Keep checking Backwoods Basics through the Seasons for curriculum updates!


New!  Backwoods Basics

On the Coast

Total Immersion Wildcrafting

Dates and Times:  starting April 18th 10 am – 3 pm
and one weekend every 5 weeks, through to November.
April 18, May 23, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 14 –
Location: Sunshine Coast
I will be contacting each of you with details of class location at time of registration. *note: this is an outdoors class locations change as plant availability is the focus of the class.

Description: includes wild walkabout, plant identification, folklore and practical usage, gathering and harvesting of wild medicine on location, sustainable harvesting techniques, ethical/spiritual sensitivity training.

This is an active participatory outdoors class – real hiking boots and work gloves recommended! We will be learning the fundamentals of wild medicine collection, harvesting and preserving; beginning with plant identification and folkloric teachings.  Learning the ancient plant medicine on location and through the season is integral to the folkloric teaching tradition.  Please check “Backwoods Basics through the Seasons” A year in Overview, for specific class details.

Just Medicine Making

Dates and Times:  starting April 19th 10 am – 3 pm
and one weekend every 5 weeks, through to November.
April 19, May 24, July 19, August 16, September 20, October 18 –
Location: Sunshine Coast

Description: includes fundamentals of medicine making, each class explore a different form of herbal medicine using the wild plants collected from the ‘Total Immersion Wildcrafting class”. Physiology and anatomy with relevance to disease pathways and folk herbal treatment will be discussed. In this workshop style class, you will be taken through the fundamentals of the different forms of herbal medicine; teas, decoctions, elixirs, tonics and cleanses, tinctures, salves, poultices and clays. The whys, whens and hows of usage, there will be plenty of hands on medicine making and take home supplies to build your own herbal apothecary. Each month we will work with a different medicine.

Notice to students:   Everyone Welcome! Any interest level or experience acceptable. Recommended: the full weekend for best results!

$160 for full Immersion Experience


Ideally Total Immersion Wildcrafting and Just Medicine Making are designed to work together as a complete 7 month course. However the real world of time restraints and other obligations often mean you can’t always commit to the full course.  You are free to choose the  individual classes that interests you, prices noted above reflect that. Registration for an individual class should be in by 1st of the month of the class your registering for.  Space is limited and not always available, so bear that in mind, and if there is a class your especially interested in, you may want to secure your place by registering early.

 Although drop ins are allowed, priority will be given to students that are signed up for the complete 7 month course. When registering for the complete course; tuition can be paid in advance or on a structured monthly payment plan with excellent discounted rates.
Registration Day is fast approaching!         April 5th
$895  paid in full on or before April 5th.  or on payment plan $250 non-refundable / deductible registration deposit with 6 equal payment of $107. monthly over duration of course.
Keep checking Backwoods Basics through the Seasons for curriculum updates!


Backwoods Basics through the Seasons

a year in Overview

Wild Nutrition & Digestive Health     
April 25/26 In the Cowichan       April 18/19 on the Coast
Nutrition on a cellular level is a good starting point for any class looking at natural health care.  The connection between food and medicine is explored through hands on harvesting of the wild plant offerings this time of year.
Stinging Nettles – Dandelion greens – Chickweed – berry shoots.
Nutritional value and healing potential explored.  Wild foods lunch, made and shared by all.
The second day will be devoted to our digestive health in the brewing up of digestive tonics and cleanses.  Wild harvesting and looking at the native medicine and in particular the trees, with a focus on Alder Medicine.

*   *   *   *  Body, Mind & Soul  *   *   *   *

The Breath; Heart, blood and respiration
May 30/31 in the Cowichan        May 23/24 on the Coast 
                       Exploring the connections that our emotions play; how laughter, letting go and Loving positively affect the health of our heart and rhythmic system.  We will also be bringing together the influences of the celtic/druidic approach to healing and herbal medicine, one that is deeply steeped in their spiritual ecological beliefs.
 Plant Medicine 
*  Willow  *  Hawthorn  *  Wild Rose
Medicine Making
*  Flower Essences
*  Tinctures
The Mind and Emotional Health
July 18/19 in the cowichan          July 11/12 on the Coast  
Celebration of the Celtic Festival of Mid-Summer, the Summer Solstice; when St. John’s Wort was traditionally gathered.  Thought to bring peace and prosperity, it was cast into bonfires or hung over doors to protect the house.  Other special plants gathered at this time were vervain, yarrow and mullein.   It is a good time to harvest the sacred healing plants, at the height of midsummer, when the pull of the sun’s forces are at their strongest.

Body, Mind and Emotional balance is addressed.

 Plant Medicine
*  St. John’s Wort    *  Yarrow    *  Mullein    *  Fireweed


Medicine Making
*  Sun Elixors
*  Flower Essences


*   *   *   * Natures First Aid *   *   *   *   *

August 22/23:  First Aid 

  *    *   * Reproductive Health and the Family *   *   *   *

September 26/27:  Female hormonal and reproductive health  
October 10/11:  Male hormonal and reproductive health 
November 21: Building your home apothecary 


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Celtic Tree Magic & Medicine https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/celtic-tree-magic/ Wed, 23 Jan 2019 22:25:03 +0000 https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/?p=611 Explores the Sacred tree medicine of the ancient Celts and how they used them for medicine and healing. We will also be discussing how their spiritual beliefs influenced their medicine making and healing arts. A discussion style workshop. Casual drop ins welcome!… Read More

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Spring Offerings for 2020

“ My Elders have said to me that the trees are the teachers of the law. As I grow less ignorant I begin to understand what they mean.” Brooke Medicine Eagle
The essence of Druidic Herbalism can be found in the spiritual philosophy behind the Celtic knot; an approach to life, herbs and healing that springs from the forces of earth and sky. The belief that we are all connected to the collective earth memory alive in all things; the plants, trees, rocks, rushing water, wind and sky. With no beginning and no end the celtic knot symbolizes life!

It is an ancient belief finding its roots in the misty realm of pre-recorded history. It is most relavant today as it pertains to healing and our connection to the Earth. The Celts believed that all life forms are connected, entwined in perfect balance as the celtic knots suggest. A discussion of how the celtic knot, universal sign of life, balance and renewal, can help us today in our state of Eco crisis and how we can use it to heal ourselves and the Earth.

This series of talks will center around the sacred tree medicines and strive to understand how the ancient Celts’ spiritual beliefs influenced their medicine making and healing arts. Each session highlights one of the sacred trees in the celtic calendar.   




oak, fir, and rowan.

Exploring their role in medicine and magic.

This is a discussion style workshop. Casual drop ins welcome!

Dates & Times: Thursdays 10:30 – 1:30pm

April 16, 23; May 14, 28; June 11, 18

Location: available only at this time on the Sunshine Coast.

Want to bring it to your community?  Contact me!

6 part series $125

$25 per session (drop in rate)

Register on or before March 23 with  a $50 non-refundable/deductible.


“ Magic doesn’t live in the dark hidden places. Magic lives all around us, out in the open, we pass by every day. But without the eyes to see, it remains hidden to us.”





Interested? Want to know more? Let me know.
Get on the mailing list, sign up, stay informed of upcoming classes and offerings.
Sign up for our Newsletter; with all the latest updates.

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Plant Walks https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/druidic-herbalism/ Wed, 23 Jan 2019 22:24:18 +0000 https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/?p=609 On this fun and informative walk, Sheila will introduce you to many of the local medicinal plants growing wild in your area, treasured by  country folk not too long ago, for the care they gave to their families.  This walk … Read More

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On this fun and informative walk, Sheila will introduce you to many of the local medicinal plants growing wild in your area, treasured by  country folk not too long ago, for the care they gave to their families.  This walk is set at a leisurely pace, accessible to all levels of fitness.  Local folklore, stories, plant identification, medicinal usage included.
Now available in the Cowichan and Sunshine Coast communities.  Check dates and times for your area!
On the Sunshine Coast:  Saturday April 4th  10:30 am – 12:30 pm.
In the Cowichan Valley:  Sunday March 8th    10:30 am – 12:30 pm


To pre-register call or txt Sheila at 604-989-8095     or   email: backwoodsbasics.info@gmail.com
Get on the mailing list, sign up, stay informed of upcoming classes and offerings.
Sign up for our Newsletter; with all the latest updates.

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Herbal allies for Stress https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/celebration-of-life-magic-and-wild-medicine/ Wed, 23 Jan 2019 22:21:33 +0000 https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/?p=607 A morning spent at the river, in the woods or hills, a giving thanks and a meditation. A Celebration of Life! This course includes a wild medicine walk about, energy work and a guided meditation while touching the earth and bonding with our own deep sense of connectiveness in nature. It is within these bounds that healing, on many levels, can occur.… Read More

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In this class we will be learning about herbs that help the body adapt to stress, known as adaptogens. We can not always control the stress in our lives, so knowing our plant allies can help nourish and support us through these challenging times.  Herbs that provide trauma care for the whole body.
We will also discuss life style changes, nutritional and herbal programs to help in the healing process.  Anxiety disorder and PTSD will be looked at.
Sorry Cowichan!  On the Sunshine Coast only!
Friday June 12th        10 am – 1 pm


To pre-register please call or txt Sheila at 604-989-8095   or   email: backwoodsbasics.info@gmail.com
Interested?       Want to know more?         Let me know.
Get on the mailing list, sign up, stay informed of upcoming classes and offerings.
Sign up for our Newsletter; with all the latest updates.

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Forest ReWilding Therapy https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/forest-rewilding-therapy/ Wed, 23 Jan 2019 22:19:04 +0000 https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/?p=469 Finding personal balance and empowerment through reconnecting with the Nature Our rewilding therapy is a merging of ‘Forest Bathing’ coming out of Japan and Earthing or Rewilding therapy popular n North America. None of these concepts are new! They are … Read More

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Finding personal balance and empowerment through reconnecting with the Nature
Our rewilding therapy is a merging of ‘Forest Bathing’ coming out of Japan and Earthing or Rewilding therapy popular n North America. None of these concepts are new! They are however more relevant in our lives now than ever before, as we search for balance in our over worked, stress filled lives. The ReWilding takes place as a guided walk in the woods, and a meditation; a slowing down and simply being in the presence of the moment and in the presence of trees, wild flora and nature. Each with their own healing presence. This simple nature based experience resets our bio clocks helping us enter into a deep state of relaxation. The health benefits are far reaching, the effects can last days even weeks after a session.

Personal One on One sessions available.  Groups, and association gatherings.

Interested? Want to know more? Contact me for information of next scheduled ReWilding. 

Get on the mailing list, sign up, stay informed of upcoming classes and offerings.

Sign up for our Newsletter; with all the latest updates.

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Alder Medicine https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/alder-medicine/ https://www.backwoodsbasics.ca/alder-medicine/#respond Sun, 10 Apr 2016 19:58:16 +0000 http://themes.kadencethemes.com/ascend-premium-2/?p=106 Spring is a time of change; of storms and rain, of warming from below and the sprouting forth of new life! The elements of water is everywhere!! For the Earth and all life on it, this is a time for … Read More

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Spring is a time of change; of storms and rain, of warming from below and the sprouting forth of new life! The elements of water is everywhere!! For the Earth and all life on it, this is a time for cleansing; of cleansing the old to make way for the new. The Alder tree in ancient Celtic tradition embodied this time of early spring growth more than any other tree. Its nitrogen fixing roots prepare the ground for the new life to spring forth. Alder is all about community, working together and inner growth. Alders grow in groves, to get a sense of the alder community, find an alder grove and sit down among them, spend time, slow down, see all the varied plant life living in the shelter of this benevolent tree. The lessons Alder has to teach us are many.

“Soon we arrived at our destination, a wood frame cabin on an Indian reservation in southern B.C. to visit a medicine woman we had heard about. Upon entering her home we were greeted with the aroma of a pungent warm tea, steaming on the wood stove, Red Alder, everywhere there was Red Alder. She was boiling red alder bark on the stove, several large kettles of it. The first thing Rosie exclaimed was how it cured her arthritis and that all the other folks in the village would bring their jars to be filled. This was my first lesson in Native American herbal medicine.” Michael Tierra

Alder lives along our streams, creeks, waterways and wetlands, it is a common but uncommonly beautiful tree. It speaks of life, growth and renewal in the spring. It speaks to me of healing! It has been referred to as our “healing mother” or “healing woman” by indigenous land folk. Alder has the ability to repair damaged, depleted soil through a process called nitrogen fixing. A bacteria enzyme in its root nodes convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into a nitrogen compound easily assimilated by plants. It is the process of creating compost or fertilizer, it is also a digestive process similar to our own digestive system.

Alder is a gentle healer for our own digestive system as it is for the earth. She is our healing mother! Alder bark tea stimulates and renews our depleted digestive enzymes, helping to restore natural body function beginning in our digestive tract. As a water loving tree it is associated with our own waterways, helping to restore balance in our body fluids to a cellular level.

Folklore: In Celtic tradition Alder represented the warrior and it’s wood was used for their shields; to protect them in battle. Its spirit nature is one of protection rather than war. Alder was held in high regard by the druids of my Celtic ancestors; an alder grove was a sacred place where offerings and prayers were expected before entering. In Irish tradition there was a heavy penalty for felling an alder tree, this in part because when a tree is cut, it bleeds, emitting a blood red pigment on the bark and hands of those who touch it. Alder gained a mystical presence in Celtic folklore due in part to this bleeding effect. In the ancient writings of the Celtic Tree Ogham; alder was a tree of protection, of community, and of courage. It also represented protection for the heart, a shield, against life’s “battles”.

It is usually found in marshy bogs, along river banks, where its roots help hold the soil together and bind nitrogen, making the soil more nutrient rich. You often find them in the front lines of the war in the forest; protecting the earth from further erosion, the alder is one of the “first responders” to appear on a clearcut, helping to repair the soil after the devastation.

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